Nolte Mezzanine nominated for SME innovation top 100

Nolte Mezzanine enters election to become best innovator in SME. With Nolte increasingly focusing on the Mezzanine

floors, an innovation was bound to happen. With the new Nolte Mezzanine floor, users save energy costs, purchase costs and insurance costs. This energy-saving Mezzanine floor has a tough appearance and is used in many industries.

Saving on purchase and energy costs
The big difference is in the new design of the Nolte Mezzanine floor. Extra-large HEXA holes are fitted in the supports and profiles of the floor plates. Lighting can be inserted through these, instead of between the ‘beams’. There is now almost no shadowing and the lighting is well protected. The Nolte Mezzanine floor thus ensures that twice as much lighting is needed for the same light output. So this not only means savings on the one-off investment, but also on recurring daily energy costs.

Innovation joins ‘Delta plan for manufacturing’
Labour Party leader Diederik Samsom said on 1 May . that there will soon be a ‘Delta Plan for the manufacturing industry’. He said the sector, to which Nolte belongs, needs a revival because it often involves sustainable technology. But also because ‘it gives opportunities to everyone, from the low-skilled to the highly-skilled’. Without a drastic approach, our country will lose the economic battle to countries like China. He wants to be able to quickly turn MBOs into vocational schools and he wants to encourage financiers to invest in the manufacturing industry. Nolte Mezzanine, with its energy-saving Mezzanine floor, caters to the innovations Samsom considers necessary. Currently, Nolte has internships for young skilled workers and vacancies for a Commercial/Technical inside sales representative, a welder and a Tekla draughtsman. Functions that contribute to further innovating the manufacturing industry.

The applications of Nolte Mezzanine floors
The floor profiles of the Nolte Mezzanine floors also function as penetrations for sprinkler pipes and electricity and as cable ducts. Improved construction of the profiles has also made the floor much stronger. They are used as extra storage space in shops and industry, as balconies in sports stadiums and theatres, as Mezzanine floors in the hospitality industry, at railway stations and in factory halls. The robust modern look also makes Mezzanine floors very suitable for residential construction.

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