Successful trade mission for Polish Promag SA and Dutch Nolte Mezzanine BV
From 9 to 12 April 2024, Koninklijke Metaalunie, together with Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, Fedecom and RAI Automotive Industry NL, is organising an economic mission for the manufacturing and agritechnical industries and sustainable mobility to Poland. During that mission, the Polish company Promag SA, known as a pioneer in the field of internal logistics, and the Dutch company Nolte Mezzanine BV, a leading company in high-quality steel structures and mezzanine floors, will play a leading role. The two parties will formalise their cooperation there, under the watchful eye of prominent policymaker from both countries.

Geoffrey van Leeuwen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation & Manuel Villena, CEO Nolte Mezzanine
International joining of forces
The joining of forces is aimed at designing, manufacturing and supplying innovative mezzanine floors in Poland. Promag SA, a pioneer in internal logistics in Poland, and Nolte Mezzanine, a leading company in the development of high-quality steel structures and mezzanine floors for Europe, will jointly set new standards and push boundaries in the markets in which they operate.
The total value of Promag SA and Nolte Mezzanine BV’s joint orders is expected to reach several million euros this year, making the cooperation not only economically relevant but also boosting innovation and growth in the logistics and flooring industries.